
Key Facts

Annual Visitors : 2.1 million

Time Difference : GMT +11 hours

Land Area : 444sqkm | 171sqm

Population : 442,700

Languages : English, Maori

Currency : New Zealand Dollar

In-direct from U.K to Wellington International Airport : 25+ hours

Flight Times



New Zealand's capital, Wellington, hums with culture and innovation. Nestled between hills and embraced by twin harbors, it boasts a vibrant waterfront, trendy cafes, and a compact, walkable center. Home to the national museum, parliament buildings, and Te Papa, it's a hub of history, art, and scientific exploration.

Why Go

  • Immerse yourself at Te Papa Tongarewa: Explore New Zealand's rich history, culture, and natural wonders through interactive exhibits, art galleries, and powerful Maori stories.
  • Ride the historic Wellington Cable Car. Ascend from Lambton Quay and enjoy breathtaking harbor views aboard this iconic red tram, the quintessential Wellington experience.
  • Discover native wildlife at Zealandia: Step into a predator-free sanctuary and encounter unique birds like the flightless kakapo and cheeky kea, learning about conservation efforts.
  • Experience coffee nirvana: Wellington boasts a thriving coffee scene, from trendy cafes to quirky roasters. Grab a flat white and soak up the city's buzz.
  • Hike to Mount Victoria lookout: Conquer the short but rewarding climb for panoramic city and harbor views, a perfect sunset spot.
  • Wander through Cuba Street: Uncover hidden laneways, quirky shops, and vibrant street art in this eclectic hub, pulsating with cafes, bars, and local character.
  • Catch a ferry to Matiu-Somes Island. Explore this historic island sanctuary, witness WWI tunnels and fortifications, and encounter friendly native wildlife.



Travel Offers

Accommodation Offers

Summer (December–February): warmest weather, ideal for beaches, hiking, and outdoor activities. Bustling with festivals and peak crowds, expect higher prices.

Autumn (March–May): comfortable temperatures, vibrant foliage, perfect for exploring, wine tasting, and enjoying fewer crowds with good deals.

Winter (June–August): coolest weather, budget-friendly, great for cozy cafes, cultural events, and catching whale migrations. Some outdoor activities may be limited.

Spring (September–November): Pleasant weather, blooming gardens, vibrant festivals, ideal for picnics, cycling, and soaking up the sunshine.

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