
Key Facts

Annual Visitors : 5.5 million

Time Difference : GMT +9 hours

Land Area : 181sqkm | 70.2sqm

Population : 171,970

Languages : English

Currency : Australian Dollar

In-direct from U.K to Cairns : 21½+ hours

Flight Times



Sun-kissed Cairns basks in the shadow of the Great Barrier Reef, its gateway to coral gardens teeming with vibrant life. Lush rainforests hug pristine beaches, beckoning with waterfalls and ancient trees.

Why Go

  • Explore the Great Barrier Reef: Snorkel or scuba among vibrant coral gardens full of dolphins and turtles. Visitors to Cairns must see this natural wonder.
  • On Fitzroy Island, you can sunbathe on white-sand beaches, hike through lush rainforests, and snorkel in clear waters full of colorful fish. The perfect tropical getaway is this island paradise.
  • Ride the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway: Fly above the rainforest canopy to see the lush vegetation and Coral Sea and Daintree National Park views. This scenic route offers a unique rainforest ecosystem view.
  • Explore the world's oldest rainforest, the Daintree, to see exotic birds, ancient ferns, and towering trees. Explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site's unique flora and fauna on guided or self-guided walks.
  • Kuranda Scenic Railway: Travel through lush gorges and waterfalls on a historic railway to the charming village of Kuranda. Visit local markets, the Koala Sanctuary, or the Rainforest Station for stunning views.
  • See Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park's beauty: Experience Tjapukai culture through dances, storytelling, boomerang throwing, and spear hunting. Discover their ancient traditions and deep connection to the land.
  • At the Cairns Esplanade Lagoon, unwind by swimming in this lush lagoon oasis in the middle of the city. Relax on the sandy beach, go on a picnic, or visit nearby restaurants and shops.



Travel Offers

Accommodation Offers

Dry season (April–October): Enjoy sunshine, clear skies, and calm seas, ideal for swimming, diving, and exploring the Great Barrier Reef.

Peak season (June–August): Expect warm weather, bustling crowds, and higher prices, but it's whale watching season!

Wet season (November–March): Experience lush rainforests and waterfalls, with occasional showers and higher humidity. Prices are generally lower, and crowds are thinner.

Shoulder seasons (April–May and September–October): Offer a balance of pleasant weather, moderate crowds, and good deals.

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